August 2018 - nominated for the M.I.T. Disobedience Award, ended October 2018
December 2018 - started two Fundraiser on GoFundme and Facebook
January 2019 - applied to PPP award, ending May 2019
January 2019 - applied to SDG ACTION award in the category ‘mobilization”, ending May 2019
April 2019 - applied to Greenchallenge
August 2019 - Applied to a six month Accelerator program in the Netherlands
February 2019 - applied to Spaceship Earth Challenge, Buckminster Fuller Institute
November 2019 - applied to the Startplatz Accelerator Program 2020
2020 - Start work & travel & volunteering with the PEACE TAXI (more on “sideprojects”)
2020 Start an online, open-source, FULL transparent code camp where volunteers develop, code and maintain the EARTH OS code, based on the Unity 3D platform, the Google Maps API, Google Earth API and Google Streetview API. Successful examples: Lineage OS, Mozilla, Chromium, Apache, Gnome, Ubuntu a.m.m.
2020 - start a culture of NONVIOLENT PEACE ACTIVISTS, with advanced nonviolent-communication and nonviolent-aikido skills (an alternative to todays policing, migrating todays police officers, security employees and individuals into a new, professional, more peaceful version.)
2020 - users start to take daily action(nonviolent solutions only) as a common citizen(no status quo) of the United Nations(nations are seen as cultural geolocations), fully secured by the human rights(user first policy)
2020 - establishing ‘The Rule of Law’
“Honor the written words, not the executive“
open - global universal basic income
WORLD PEACE ENGINE will donate surpluses, to top up the global 'universal basic income' (UBI). Surpluses are going 99.9% to the global UBI (more missions saving the planet = more daily global UBI for everyone)
open - bitcoin
open - energy as a currency (a currency everybody could actually earn for free: renewable energy, 1 Amperehour = 1 Amperehour, no stock market)
open - global unemployment down to 1% (2018: 5.4%) (“Choose a job/mission you love and you will never have to work a day in your life” Confucius)