Peace is not understood only in terms of avoiding war; peace is to establish an active culture of living in peace. Since ages, we have found excuses to fight. If we do not work for individual transformation, talking about world peace is just one more form of entertainment.
Without attending to individual human beings, trying to bring about any kind of change in the world, always leads to more problems. If there are no peaceful human beings, there is no peaceful world.
Today, the world’s focus is on economics. Since the planet’s resources are limited, and our lives are driven by the engine of economics, war is inevitable. Unless subtler aspects of life become important, peace remains a dream.
Any destruction of life, beyond the need for one’s survival, is violence. Religion and quarrelling cannot go together. Somewhere, we have lost the basic sense of what religion is.
True religion is an inward step. But, today, it has become only about belonging to this group or that group. This has only brought hatred, conflict and separation among people. What the world needs is not more religions or more followers, but people committed to becoming peaceful themselves.
If people just learnt how to be absolutely still with great intensity, you would see all violence simply evaporate from the planet. It is not slogans and statements that will bring peace to the world, but a lifelong striving to produce peaceful human beings. Peace is not in terms of just avoiding war, but establishing an active culture of living in peace in the world
Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev
The moment we choose to look the other way, is the moment we give permission to the worst things keep happening and …getting worse.
It is the moment we arm the weapon on a soldier’s hand, it is the moment we let a child die because there is of lack of water or food, the moment we accept that animals are here to serve our greed and/or ego.
The moment we choose to ignore an injustice and not give a second thought on what we COULD do to stop it, is the moment WE side with the offender.
It is the moment we willingly murder humanity.
…”What then, can we do to reduce willful ignorance? One thing we can do is to have a more intellectually oriented, education oriented society.
[…] to engage the willfully ignorant intellectually, as difficult and painful as that might be. Learning should be a lifelong process, so we should let all members of society participate in learning through discussions of matters of importance. While it may be difficult to change people’s personalities or deeply ingrained willful ignorance, we should never underestimate people’s capacity for change. ” (source)
You do not have to be an activist in order to make a difference. As we cannot all be writers, painters, architects, musicians, doctors or gardeners, so we cannot all be activists. At least, I cannot be. But I have decided I will do, what my special talents, my education and my life experience allow me to do. And that is THINK, keep my eyesight focused on what I find is wrong, try to plant a seed of thought and awareness to my friends, my family, my fellow humans wherever they are. AND I will focus on changing my habits that feed the monster.
We all have our special powers, our abilities and talents and above all we can use our little brains, to THINK, learn, discuss and take action.
Maya Angelou (R.I.P.)
“Location targeting is the holy grail for marketers.” This statement was directed to an entire industry at Mobile World Congress by Sir Martin Sorrell, CEO of the world's largest advertising company by revenues.
While this may be a revelation of a new reality to some, the geographer reading this might be saying, "Where's Waldo?" The so-called first law of geography from Waldo Tobler is "Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things.” This was recently validated by analysis of Wikipedia.
More recent research shows a basis for even more ways to exploit this power. In "The Limits of Predictability in Human Mobility," a peer-reviewed paper in Science magazine, the authors report after studying 50,000 cell phone records over three months that, "by measuring the entropy of each individual’s trajectory, we find a 93% potential predictability in user mobility."
We may have free will but we make the same choices nearly every day.
Location intelligence (LI), or spatial intelligence, is the process of deriving meaningful insight from geospatial data relationships to solve a particular problem.[1] It involves layering multiple data sets spatially and/or chronologically, for easy reference on a map, and its applications span industries, categories and organizations.
Maps have been used to represent information throughout the ages, but what might be referenced as the first example of true location 'intelligence' was in London in 1854 when John Snow was able to debunk theories about the spread of cholera by overlaying a map of the area with the location of water pumps and was able to narrow the source to a single water pump. This layering of information over a map was able to identify relationships between different sets of geospatial data.
The ultimate example for 'locational intelligence' or 'interconnected bigdata' today, is Google Maps Navigation, of course.
Google Maps Navigation gains its "power" from connecting(software interfaces) visualized geospatial data relationships (route from A to B ) with actually simple services(custom customer- content- relationship management systems)
The Google Maps/Earth/Streetview common and VR engines are now available to game designer.
WORLD PEACE ENGINE opens up this virtual work space for everybody, from young to old, with an intuitive, drag and drop featured access.
“Streetview meets Minority Report”